//super awesome !
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome.



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Fatin Farhana


I have never wanted someone so badly as I want you.
ahhh serabut la. penat sangat nak jaga hati kau. penat sangat nak tunggu kau. penat sangat nak tanya kau dah makan belum, kau kat mana, kau dengan siapa, kau buat apa. you know, its soooooo worthless. tau tak. tambah2 pulak bila kau dapat kawan perempuan yang berkawan dengan batu api, segala batu babi tunggal perangai yang macam tah pape tu. haa aku give up. aku pasrah sangat. kau nak block aku ke apa. go on. i wont stop you. your choice.

sebab memang selama ni pun aku yang terhegeh-hegeh. aku yang beria-ria nak ws kau. so everything bad tu aku yang buat. so its okay.... but aku just nak cakap, dont trust your friend too much. even kawan kau tu pun boleh jadi backstabber. so watch out.

and for his friend yang suka sangat buka aib orang tu, i really hope you happy now for doing this to me. memang aku seronok dapat this attention from you guys. this showed my life are completely better than you guys. isnt? its okay. enjoy while you can

and to be honest, you are teaching me to be tough without you. thank you so much dear you. even though i still love you, but my heart already broken :')