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hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome.



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Fatin Farhana

29.08.2012 ( liam payne )

hey guys!nana rindu sangat kat korang. kay, entry niyh khas sangat tau. niyh khas untuk LIAM PAYNE. sebab hari ni adalah birthday Liam. mula-mula nana tak sedar, then, tengok blackboard kelas and nampak reminder kat phone, baru ingat. serious lupa. disebabkan 1Direction tak de facebook, nana tak wish. eh, wish lha. sempat nyanyi lagi... hahah.. kat twitter pun dah wish. kat blog je nak wish.. kayh, this is for liam.
Happy birthday, liam. i hope you have a great moment in your life. and i also hope that you'll get everything that you really want. because this life is not imposibble if we dont try .

from your fans,
Fateyn a.k.a nana