//super awesome !
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome.



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Fatin Farhana

for you ....:')

i love u , but i could not wait forever
i made my choice , but you would not make yours 
in some delays , a years as good as never
as what is lost no change of heart restores
i love you still , but cannot think of you
without the bitter longing of regreat
this , too , will past , i know and time renew
the innocence one needs to love and yet 
you were my once , that never comes again
a happiness untouched by any past
whatever love comes next comes with the stain
of knowing well this love might well not last
goodbye my love ! i hope someday you'll be
ripe for the love you could have had from me ....