//super awesome !
sweet owner

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hello peeps ! welcome to super awesome.



basecode: Nurul AtiQah
Edit by: Cikmimin
Re-Edited By: Fatin Farhana

risau !

aq rse aq buat kesalahan besar tau x ! tp aq x pst ape dyer ! Ya Allah , berilah aq petunjuk !
but seriously aq rse aq ade wat something  coz dr pg td aq rse ade yg x kne . hish ! risau la . . da bape kli aq mengucap , tp still risau gak ! jgn la mcm nie ! x tau la nseb aq kt skolah nnt karang ! mengucap bebnyk ! ok !  btw , td ade org kcau aq kt fon . . dyer bhase diri dyer abg la , b la , tkot tau x . .  . u make me scared . . please dun do that ! da la . . nnt aq tukar no. k? bia pdan mke ko !